Adaptive Enterprise Foundations Professional (DDFP)™ is a professional endorsement certification offered by the Demand Driven Institute, the global authority for Demand Driven education, training, certification and compliance. AEFP™ demonstrates that an individual understands the conceptual differences between conventional supply chain approaches dominated by MPS, MRP and DRP and the emerging flow-based approaches including the Demand Driven Adaptive Enterprise (DDAE) Model.
testing Instructions
Click here to register for the AEFP exam
Before proceeding you should be aware of a few requirements for the exam:
You should plan on approximately 30 minutes to set the exam up
You must pay the exam fee and/or apply a voucher
You must be able to download and install the Remote Proctor application
You must have a working microphone on your computer
You must have a working webcam on your computer
You must have current government issued identification
Please note that all technical support will be in English only
Internet Explorer is NOT supported as a browser for this online exam. Chrome, Edge, and Firefox are supported. Please note if you have a email address, the confirmation emails may go to your promotions folder automatically.
Exam Rules
The AEFP test is a remotely proctored exam known as a “record and review” test. Your exam session will be recorded, including sound, and will be reviewed by a proctor before your official results can be released. Below are a set of rules for the exam. Failure to observe these rules may result in a review flag by a proctor, escalation to DDI and potential disqualification:
No pen and/or paper can be in use
No Books and/or notes can be in use
Valid photo id must be presented (must be passport, driver’s license or military ID)
Valid Photo id must be clearly visible (must be passport, driver’s license or military ID)
A room scan must be completed
Candidate’s eyes must be focused on the computer screen/monitor and candidates eyes must be visible to the camera during the exam
No visitors at any time in testing room
No use of additional devices (Televisions, radios, phones, headsets or any other electronic devices are prohibited)
Lighting must be “daylight” quality and overhead is preferred if at all possible. If overhead is not possible, the source should not be behind the student
No communication with any other person by any means
You cannot browse other websites
You cannot email during the exam
You cannot browse local or remote databases
You cannot speak to others
You must stay in the room
Exam Preparation
Individuals can prepare for the Demand Driven Planner Professional (AEFP)™ test through two avenues:
ATTEND a Adaptive Enterprise Foundations (AEF)™ Program – the official AEFP test prep session. The Adaptive Enterprise Foundations (AEF)™ program is designed to introduce individuals working in all areas to the components which are necessary to making an organization truly adaptive. An “adaptive” organization is able to quickly and dynamically adjust its structure and behavior to the changing state and exigences of its environment in the short term (operational) as well as in the long term (strategic).
SELF-STUDY – Individuals can self-study before attempting the test. The candidate should be prepared to answer fundamental questions about conventional information and planning systems, corporate finance, Lean, Six Sigma, Theory of Constraints and the Demand Driven Adaptive Enterprise (DDAE) Model.” Appropriate resources include:
- The official text of the AEF is The Missing Links (Caroline Mondon, Industrial Press, 2016)
- APICS Dictionary App
Conventional planning is detailed in the third edition of Orlicky's Material Requirements Planning (Ptak and Smith, Industrial Press, 2011)
Program attendees should review the Demand Driven Institute Dictionary.
Search for the 33 clues at
Consult the unique online learning system for practice questions and additional exercises. You must have taken the AEF program to gain access to the learning system. Request access to the AEF content page in DDI's membership section.
Exam Content
Adaptive Foundations Professional (AEFP)™ exam is a 60 question multiple choice (four options per question) test. The testing candidate has three hours to complete the exam. Below are the testing categories which match the content of the Adaptive Enterprise Foundations (AEF)™ Program.
Chapter 1: The New Normal in Industry
PART 1 - The Company and its Variable Environment
1.1 Marketing considerations
1.2 Financial considerations
1.3 Supply Chain considerations
PART 2 - Concepts of Supply Chain Management
2.1 Manufacturing Tactics
2.2 Inventory management
2.3 Information management
Chapter 2: Traditional processes and tools
PART 3 - Fundamental Processes of all Companies
3.1 Static data management
3.2 Total quality management & TPM applied to Supply Chain
3.3 Reference models
PART 4 - Conventional IT Tools and Planning Systems
4.1 MRP
4.3 IT tools
Chapter 3: Giants of Industrial Flow
PART 5 - Modern Flow Based Systems
5.1 A history of flow
5.2 From Toyota Production System to Lean
5.3 Theory of Constraints
PART 6 - Demand Driven Flow
6.1 Relevant Information
6.2 Failure of the conventional approach
6.3 Direction of a solution - DDMRP
Chapter 4: From Linear to Adaptive
PART 7 - Demand Driven Adaptive Enterprise
7.1 Systemic model for relevant information
7.2 Bidirectional reconciliation with DDS&OP
7.3 Metrics coherence
PART 8 - Maturity Model to Become Adaptive
8.1 Change Management
8.2 Skills Evolution
8.3 Road Maps
Exam Results
The AEFP exam is a proctored exam. Please allow up to five business days for your final exam results.
About the AEFP Badge & Certificate
Upon successful completion you will receive an email that contains information about obtaining your electronic badge and certificate. Please read the email carefully.
The electronic badges are managed through an independent entity - BadgeCert.
The AEFP certificate is issued by the Demand Driven Institute and is available as a link with your badge for you to print.
Your badge and certificate are good for three years. See the AEFP Certificate Maintenance section about badge and certificate renewal.
Visit our Endorsement Badge page for more information about electronic badges.

Frequently Asked Questions
Is the exam proctored? YES, you will be disqualified for using references or receiving any form of help on the exam. Video and sound are recorded for playback. The system then flags suspicious behavior. Those flags are then reviewed by DDI staff for a disqualification decision.
What if I fail my first attempt? If you fail your first attempt at the test you get a second attempt for free, however, you must wait seven days to test again. You will receive an email with a breakdown of your performance by section. YOU MUST OBTAIN A NEW coupon code from DDI Admin to use for your second attempt. To obtain that second code, you must email DDI Admin for a secondary code.
Can I use resources during the test? No. The test is NOT open book.
What if I lose connectivity during the test? If connectivity is lost during the exam, please attempt to log back into the exam as soon as it is restored. You may be able to complete the exam. If you receive a message that you are unable to restart the exam due to exceeding the time allowed, then please contact DDI at
AEFP™ Certificate Maintenance
AEFP™ certificate holders are required to have 20 Continuing Education Units (CEU) every five years in order to maintain their endorsement. Each CEU is equivalent to 1 hour of “qualified content”. A list of qualified content is included below:
Attendance of various DDI produced webinars
Watching available videos on the DDI website
Watching available videos through DDI’s ondemand system
Attendance of a Demand Driven World™ Conference
Attendance of other DDI educational products (Demand Driven Leader™, Demand Driven Planner™, Precisely Wrong Workshop™, etc.)
Attendance of DDI Affiliate events and other event partners (look for the AEFP CEU Qualified Content logo)
Attendance of other qualified offerings (look for the AEFP CEU Qualified Content logo)
Subsequent achievement of DDPP™, DDLP™, ASTP™, DDSCP™ professional endorsement – 10 points
An application for endorsement maintenance must be filled out and submitted to DDI. A list of qualified content must be itemized as per the application form and signed by the applicant.
Download the endorsement maintenance application

Adaptive Enterprise Foundations (AEF) and Adaptive Enterprise Foundatoins Professional (AEFP) are a trademarks of the Demand Driven Institute.